Es ahora o nunca el momento de sacar tu resplandor.
Actualizado: 9 ago
Nunca apague tu luz como los dones que Dios le regalo, para agradar a personas o situaciones efímera, vulgas, prehistóricas, destructivas, de malas creencias y hábitos destructivas que llevan a la humanidad al retroceso que es la involución y estaca la evolución te impiden tu paz de tu interior.
No alimentes el mal, eres un ser increíble y poderoso, nadie es más que nadie y cada uno es importante para ayudar a tu misma vida, y la civilización humana.
Solo miré desde los humanos más conocidos de la historia y los menos conocidos de este mundo de diferentes etnias, ideologías, estatus, de diferentes profesiones como géneros desde el comienzo de la historia de esta especie y las demás especies nacemos sin nada y nos vamos sin nada de este mundo, no nos llevamos ni nuestros huesos, lo que quedará son tus acciones con evolución que ayuden a liberar las cadenas de la involución que fueron construidos por unos pocos y han llevado a la humanidad a vivir encadenados en la injusticia, el dolor y la enfermedad del mal solo con tu conciencia con tus dones inteligentes ayudarán a romper los monopolios del mal. Autor: Anna Belluncci 07/08/2024 Spain 🌏🌎🌍♻️⚖️🕊
Los ajustes de cuentas, los atentados terroristas y muchas guerras, la miseria, abusos, llevar por medios propagandísticos de diferentes ramas a fines la autodestrucción de vidas humanas se realizan en nombre de la justicia y no son más que revanchas o estrategias que persiguen otros fines inconfesables. En los conflictos personales puede suceder lo mismo.
En contraste, se puede concebir un comportamiento que ponga la justicia por encima de todo. El paradigma es el filósofo Sócrates que, sentenciado a muerte, eligió suicidarse para evitar que sus verdugos cometieran una violencia innecesaria, no sigamos alimentando el mal.
Never turn off your light, like the gifts that God gave you, to please people or ephemeral, vulgar, prehistoric, destructive situations, with bad beliefs and destructive habits that lead humanity to the regression that is involution and stake evolution, preventing you from having inner peace.
Do not feed evil, you are an amazing and powerful being, no one is more than anyone else and everyone is important to help your own life, and human civilization.
I only looked from the most known humans of history and the less known of this world of different ethnicities, ideologies, status, of different professions as genders since the beginning of the history of this species and the other species we are born with nothing and we leave with nothing of this world, we do not even take our bones with us, what will remain are your actions with evolution that will help to free the chains of involution that were built by a few and have led humanity to live in injustice, pain and disease of evil.
I only looked from the most known humans of history and the least known of this world of different ethnicities, ideologies, status, of different professions as genders since the beginning of the history of this species and the other species we are born with nothing and we leave with nothing of this world, we do not even take our bones with us, what will remain are your actions with evolution that will help to release the chains of involution that were built by a few and have led humanity to live chained in injustice, pain and disease of evil only with your conscience with your intelligent gifts will help to break the monopolies of evil. Author: Anna Belluncci 07/08/2024 Spain 🌏🌎🌍♻️⚖️🕊
The settling of scores, terrorist attacks and many wars, misery, abuse, the use of propaganda of different kinds to achieve the self-destruction of human lives are carried out in the name of justice and are nothing more than revenge or strategies that pursue other unspeakable ends. The same can happen in personal conflicts.
In contrast, one can conceive of behavior that puts justice above all else. The paradigm is the philosopher Socrates who, sentenced to death, chose to commit suicide to prevent his executioners from committing unnecessary violence. Let us not continue to feed evil.
Anna Belluncci 🌎🌍🌏♻️🕊⚖️