Trust in time, which tends to give sweet solutions to many bitter difficulties.
"¡Oh envidia, raíz de infinitos males y carcoma de las virtudes! Todos los vicios, Sancho, traen un no sé qué de deleite consigo, pero el de la envidia no trae sino disgustos, rencores y rabias". Así se expresa Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra en el CAPÍTULO VIII de la Segunda Parte de su genial obra "Don Quijote de la Mancha", titulado "Donde se cuenta lo que le sucedió a Don Quijote yendo a ver su señora Dulcinea del Toboso".
¿Qué es un envidioso? Un ingrato que detesta la luz que le alumbra y le calienta. Victor Hugo.
Confía en el tiempo, que suele dar dulces salidas a muchas amargas dificultades. Miguel de Cervantes.
La envidia es mil veces más terrible que el hambre, porque es hambre espiritual. Miguel de Unamuno
Proporcionalmente al número de los admiradores crece el de los envidiosos. Séneca
En cuanto nace la virtud, nace contra ella la envidia, y antes perderá el cuerpo su sombra que la virtud su envidia. Da Vinci.
"O envy, root of infinite evils and worm of virtues! All vices, Sancho, bring with them a certain delight, but that of envy brings nothing but displeasure, resentment and rage". This is how Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra expresses himself in CHAPTER VIII of the Second Part of his brilliant work "Don Quixote of La Mancha", entitled "Wherein is related what happened to Don Quixote on his way to see his lady Dulcinea del Toboso". What is an envious person? An ingrate who hates the light that shines and warms him. Victor Hugo. Trust in time, which tends to give sweet solutions to many bitter difficulties. Miguel de Cervantes. Envy is a thousand times more terrible than hunger, because it is spiritual hunger. Miguel de Unamuno Proportionately to the number of admirers, the number of the envious grows. Seneca As soon as virtue is born, envy is born against it, and the body will sooner lose its shadow than virtue its envy. Da Vinci.
Anna Belluncci.Xx 🌏🌍🌎♻️🕊